Reviewing the Mighty Mule FM200 Gate Opener

Mighty Mule FM200 has been on the market for some time and it is known as an excellent, entry-level model of the modern era. This small gate opener is designed for single leaf gates that are lightweight. You get impressive features and one of the best process available. This particular model is advertised as a DIY unit meaning you can install it all by yourself. Let’s see the main features of the unit.

For lightweight gates

The tested model is suitable for gates with a length of 12 feet and a weight of 300 pounds. As you can expect it is designed for smaller and lighter gates. It can withstand harsh weather and it is packed with outstanding features. Keep in mind that this is one of the most affordable gate openers available on the market.

Time feature

You can program the gate opener to open or close precisely when you need it. This is possible thanks to the time feature. It is relatively easy to use so we don’t believe there will be any complications or issues. Just in case, check the user manual in order to learn how to use this feature.

Alarm system

Here we have another, also important and desirable feature. The alarm means that if the gate isn’t closed after a specific period of time, the gate opener will automatically close it. It is especially important for homeowners who tend to forget to close a gate. Now a gate opener will do it instead of you.

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Simple installation

To install the Mighty Mule FM200 you don’t need professional help. The installation itself is extremely simple and you can do it within hours, even if you don’t have any experience at all and this is your first gate opener. You get a DVD which is standard for Mighty Mule gate openers and we can add it is more than just helpful.

Who will benefit the most from Mighty Mule FM200?

There are several types of homeowners who will enjoy using the model in question.  The first type is homeowners who need a small and affordable gate opener to use daily. It is well-made and it meets all the requirements.

The second type of homeowners is those who want to add a gate opener to a gate without having to weld it. The Mighty Mule FM200 is attached using bolts meaning you can easily remove it when needed when you want to paint the gate.

It is also highly desirable for the people who already have a car battery and now they need an affordable gate opener. The battery isn’t included in the package, as you may know already.


  • Very affordable
  • All homeowners can install it without professional help
  • Timer feature
  • Cheap spare parts


  • Slow
  • Suitable for lightweight single leaf gates only

FM350 is a more powerful version

We need a few moments of your time to tell you that the FM350 is available as well. This is a more powerful version than the FM200 and it is suitable for double leaf gates. It is a bit more expensive but you will have to consider it if the FM200 can’t meet your expectations. Keep in mind that it is made for single panel gates only.

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Additional things to remember regarding FM200

The first thing we will have to say is related to the warranty. You can get 12 months warranty whenever you purchase the model. It is a decent warranty if you ask us and it is definitely worthy of your attention. It is the standard Mighty Mule warranty that covers all the elements and comes with excellent customer support.

The shipping is processed within 2 days from your order and you can expect the gate opener relatively fast due to the fact it is shipped from the United States.

The last fact is the battery. We did mention that it isn’t included in the package so you will need one as a separate purchase or you can use a car battery if you have one.


The Mighty Mule FM200 isn’t made to be the best gate opener on the market, but rather the best value for money with features most of you will need. We rewarded it with 4/5 stars which are high rank considering the price and type of a gate opener. It is a small investment that can have a huge effect on your household. See more about best gate openers.