Peerless Tire Chains Size Chart

Peerless tire chains size chart can assist you in choosing the best or better said the most suitable chain size for your vehicle and the tire size it has. The table starts with the tire size and presents you the most suitable chain version you should use. The goal here is to find the best chain for the snow and ice at any given moment, and also to use the one that the manufacturer has been developing for your specific vehicle/tire size. By using the correct chain type and size you can improve or decrease the stopping distance and you can also enhance the traction significantly on wet and covered with snow terrain. In addition, the chart features various series of the chains. Each tire size can use one or two chain variations. You can check the product specifications for each one to find the chain that will provide you with the best results.

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Here is a video that shows you how to install Peerless Tire Chains on a Car:


See also  Scooter Drive Belt Size Chart